Girl’s Lacrosse Season Recap
In the 2022 spring season, the Woodbridge Girls Lacrosse team had a phenomenal run and made it to regionals. Unfortunately, after the first round, they got knocked out by their opponent Freedom South Riding in the regional playoffs.
As they finished their 2022 season, I met with Charlotte Murphy, a Senior on the girls lacrosse team, to get a recap of her last season here at Woodbridge and what she hopes to see in the future for this lacrosse program.
One of Murphy’s biggest highlights from her four years of playing lacrosse here at Woodbridge was, “meeting some of her best friends and the countdown of the last few seconds in the district championship game this year when they scored at the last second to tie up the game and play in overtime.” When asked what Murphy loved most about Woodbridge lacrosse she stated, “the relentless spirit we all have for the sport and the well being of other athletics in school in general. As she looks towards college in her future, she hopes that the future of this program gains a strong junior varsity team and for the girls to become the top seed in the district. Murphy has high hopes for the program and she can’t wait to see what happens in the future years for this program.
As the season for Woodbridge girls lacrosse comes to a close, the off season will start to begin for these young athletes. Many of the girls on the lacrosse team do their off season training with a fall season sport of field hockey. Their dedication and hard work from this season will transfer over to the coming years and will show tremendous growth for the future of the girls lacrosse program.
Class of 2022