Dune is an adaptation of the 1965 novel of the same name by Frank Herbert. The film was split into two parts, written, and directed by Denis Villeneuve, composed by Hanz Zimmer with cinematographer Greg Fraser. The movie follows the young hero Paul Atreides as he struggles with a “terrible purpose” forced onto him by mischievous plots put in motion centuries ago. The films are not the most faithful adaptation of the book in the sense that they deviate from the source material concept wise but still do an incredible job of creating and displaying the world created by Frank Herbert in his original novel. They do an excellent job at unraveling the heroic character that we have become adjusted to rooting for and turn him into an insane power-hungry tyrant who usurps the throne of the universe leaving the ones he loves behind. The first film faulters in its pace as Villeneuve always intended for there to be two parts so the first movie is exactly that, it is the first part of a movie. This sacrifices proper pacing and direction as the movie ends in the middle of the story with little to no conclusion supporting it. Once the second movie came out it complemented the first perfectly picking up directly where it left off completing the first fil and creating a dual film masterpiece. The performances throughout the films are wonderful with standout performances from Rebecca Ferguson as the Lady Jessica and Timothee Chalamet as Paul Atreides. Overall, Dune part one and two are both beautifully shot films with wonderful performances and direction that finally lifted a curse imposed by the media on this novel, delivering a proper classic to the screen for a new generation to enjoy.
Dune: Beautifully Shot Modern Classics
Lilly Tafe, Opinion Section Editor
April 5, 2024
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Lilly Tafe, Opinion Editor