How To Support Human Rights Day


Human Rights Day should be celebrated every day but is Celebrated on December 10th, Human Rights Day is observed by the international community. It memorializes the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have Human Rights Day to work toward the independence and freedom for women’s empowerment and gender equality. Support women fighting for their freedom and rights around the world. Human Rights Day is an opportunity in re-building the world we want, becoming one and united with the nations. The declaration gives guidelines to the rights that every person all around the globe should be granted. Although human rights may not be an extreme problem in our country, they are a huge problem in many places all over the world.

The middle east half of the middle east is experiencing human rights violations. Ways to support and celebrate is to Take-Action for Human Rights Organizations. You can also create or take over part of a notice board for human rights activities, news, and issues. Supporting a human rights project such as helping Afghans against Taliban who have corrupted the law system and have no president. You’d be surprised by how many Afghans are in need around you or could be in your class or in the cafeteria. Helping and supporting local Afghan refugees such as clothing drives or food drives or toiletry donations is a wonderful supporting as well. Celebrate the World for a reason.