The 12 Laws of the Universe


“To be, or not to be,” is the exordium of Hamlet’s soliloquy. A soliloquy whilst undergoing an existential crisis. Now, there are various ways one can methodically approach such a situation, not just by going disordered and irrational, and then outright committing murder.

No, there is such a thing called the Laws of the Universe. A system that is composed of 12 universal laws that is said and believed to help humans attain a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are, to help give life a deeper meaning.


Explicated below are the 12 laws and what they are:


Law 1: The Law of Divine Oneness

The very first of the Universal Laws is the Law of Divine Oneness- the law in which everything, from one’s thoughts, senses, actions, inactions, experiences, and beyond those, are all interconnected. That there is an impact and result to anything, everything and everyone else around, and surpassing, each individual.

Law 2: The Law of Vibration

Everything, from every corporeal to non-corporeal thing- every atom, thought, and whatnot else- has its own vibration, which is called its frequency. It is said that these vibrations can be attuned to, and modified, to the preferences of an individual.

Law 3: The Law of Action

This law avers that if one desires for something to happen, if they manifest it, then they must do something- an action- to make it happen so. One simply does not manifest something without taking an incentive or action towards it.

Law 4: The Law of Correspondence

So the saying goes: “As within, so without. As above, so below.” The Law of Correspondence addresses relationship and communication with the self. It makes it so that one must be aware of, and acknowledge, until a lesson is learned, or change has been made.

Law 5: The Law of Cause and Effect

Taking responsibility and accountability of the occurrences in one’s life is exactly what the Law of Cause and Effect proselytizes. Every action has a consequence, and one sows what one reaps.

Law 6: The Law of Compensation

Almost an extension to the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Compensation relates that the flow of abundance, prosperity, and blessings, take form in those of one’s friendships, relationships, and are effects of direct and indirect actions.

Law 7: The Law of Attraction

Perhaps the most well-known law, the Law of Attraction, simply put, is that positive energies attract positive energies, and negative energies attract negative energies. Human individuals’ thoughts, emotions, dialogue, desires, and energies, are attracted to those that are alike to it.

Law 8: The Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy

This law affirms that humans have the ability to be able to alter experiences or feelings that they find themselves unsatisfied with; Higher energy transformation, transforms lower energy. This law allows changes to occur in the universe, and with each individual.

Law 9: The Law of Relativity

When one understands and knows nearly nothing to the extent of utmost affirmation, the inability to deal with, or address the situation, most often follows. The Law of Relativity states that each of these occurrences, every series of situations, events, misfortunes, and circumstances, take place for a reason, to ensure that humans have perspective and experience in said difficulties.

Law 10:  The Law of Polarity

Everything in the universe is on a continuum, a spectrum, with opposing ends. There must be difference; There is darkness, and so there is light. There is good, and so there is evil. As such, humans are able to suppress and modify the undesired.

Law 11: The Law of Rhythm

This law also relates and refers to change. It is said that everything is cyclical, and there is always something that would follow after a certain phase. Everything ebbs to a specific rhythm, and this rhythm stages the development of patterns and reflections.

Law 12: The Law of Gender

For all creation in the universe, they posses both masculine and feminine attributes. This law states that each of the beings must tap into these qualities, and acknowledge them, to be put to usage in their purpose.


All things considered, the 12 Universal Laws are a groundwork basis in which one can refer to shall they feel the need to practice and attempt any of it. The 12 Universal Laws, if or when, one decides to partake and divulge in it, can, with due time, and effort exerted, be used to make one’s life more meaningful and worth living. Take what resonates and applies, and leave what doesn’t.