Stop the Willow Project

Stop the Willow Project

The Biden administration is deciding whether to approve a massive eight-million-dollar oil project in Alaska. The Willow Project is going to single-handedly destroy our environment and the future generations to come. Here is why we need to stop it.  


Indigenous cultures have existed on this landscape for thousands of years. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was made to protect this land and keep it from various threats to harm the environment and its inhabitants. This landscape has been a heated political debate for many years. Many bills in Congress have been introduced since 1986. Protect The Arctic says, “As public land, the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in the hands of every American.” 


The Willow Project, if approved, will be the largest oil and gas development on U.S territory. It is funded by ConocoPhillips, an international oil producer. This plan would drill massive holes into the Arctic and produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil a day. This is extremely harmful to the people, animals, and environment in this area, and contributes to the ongoing global warming crisis in the Arctic. 


The Arctic has already been warming almost four times faster than the rest of the world. The project’s infrastructure would damage the Arctic to a higher extent and thaw vulnerable local ecosystems. Can we prioritize our financial growth over our planet? 


This project would also release an estimated 278 million metric tons of carbon pollution over the next 30 years. This is happening at a time when the U.S needs to urgently move away from fossil fuels. 


By going through with the Willow Project President Biden is contradicting his climate goals. In April 2021, Biden stated a new national goal to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030. This climate change goal is the most ambitious of any U.S president and it is ironic considering that he is actively working to do the opposite. 


These reasons are exactly why we should fight back and stop the Biden administration from trying to cause irreversible damage to our planet and home. There must come a point where environmental justice and human health come before corporate profit. I encourage you to find resources and support petitions to help stop The Willow Project.