People complain all the time about their “too hot” in the summer and they can’t wait for it to be winter again, but then again; you hear them saying they’re ‘too cold’ in the winter.
I think, people don’t really have a favorite season, when you ask someone “what’s your favorite season?” What do you normally hear? Mostly the summertime, which most people do have a favorite season and it is summer, but when was the last time you heard somebody or yourself say something different.
Fall is not mostly used, when people ask someone their favorite season. Why do you think that? Sources say 45% of the human population say fall as their favorite season as of September 2023. Most people don’t because they’re ready for summer to come or winter.
For most people, summer is the most popular season, because they’re out of school and hanging out by the beaches or pools. And they get to relax and not worry about school for about 2 months. Which is great for most people but then they say they’re getting too hot and ready for the winter season to come, about 24% of the human population say summers are their favorite. But you hear it more often when you ask.
Winter can be great, and then it can be terrible. Kids hoping for snow days to get out of school and Christmas is a big part of people liking winter. You’re out of school for so many days, and then you have winter break which is why I think more people like winter than most seasons. Only about 11% of people say that winter is their favorite season. Which is odd because the most common seasons used are summer and winter.
Spring? Every time I’ve asked someone what their favorite season is I’ve never heard spring. I would expect spring to be the lowest season liked, because nothing really goes on in the spring. When I was younger, I used to say spring was my favorite because of my birthday. But now it has changed. All you really have in the spring is spring break which isn’t even that long. The total precent of humans who’s favorite season is spring is 27%.
So, tell me. What’s your favorite season?