Early Release


Most students’ favorite part of senior year is knowing they get to leave early from school. There are many reasons why kids enjoy early release: whether it is for going to the gym, catching up on sleep, or going to work. You would think students are sitting around being lazy but that’s not always true. We are productive citizens making the best of our free time. 

Senior Abdul Hakim often goes to work at a dealership in Manassas that deals with tail marketing. On days he does not work, Hakim goes home and catches up on any AP class work. Then around 6pm he goes to the gym to work out. When he gets back, he takes a quick nap to get ready for his religious study class. He uses his time as a benefit for himself academically, professionally and physically, and that presents greater opportunities. 

Another Senior Neda Akbari, leaves school around 12:30 to work as a dental assistant. Afterward she comes home to cook food for the family, clean up the house and take care of her little brother.  

Student John DeJesus says, “leaving early is literally the best thing going for me right now” He has a simpler way of going about his day for early release. He comes home to catch up on sleep then around 7:30 pm he must head out for soccer practice. He enjoys having early release because he does not need the extra classes; he then comes home from practice to play on his Xbox. Lastly his mother asks him to clean up his room and get his laundry done. 

Overall, Early release has a positive light on seniors. Whether it is to rest and charge up for any activities they may have later in the afternoon or needing those extra hours just for some free time to unwind.