8 to 5: Running Late to Class

8 to 5: Running Late to Class

Students and Staff have opposing opinions on the change of eight minutes in between classes, to five minutes. Teachers are taking the change positively. Students, on the other hand, are not pleased with less time to get to class.


Carey Shenal, an English Teacher, says “Originally I thought it wasn’t going to work” but as we have stuck with it, she notices that students get to class on time. She goes on to add that students want to be social and want to go against the system. “I think 8 minutes was a consolation post-pandemic to give you some more adjustment time and get a little bit more of that social time because you needed it” Shenal says that students have adjusted to it, and it is not really a problem.


Sophomores Erin Curley and Andres Herrera have different perspectives on the issue. Andres says, “I am very displeased with this set time change. I’ve been late to almost all my classes” Erin adds that they understand it is a safety issue, but the eight minutes allows people “to relaxingly walk through the halls and talk to their friends” and “give an actual break between classes”


Students do not forget, if you receive four unexcused tardies then you will get after-school detention. Make sure to be on time!


This topic has surely sparked controversy at Woodbridge. It looks as if both sides have valid points, and we will have to see how this change develops.